
Copyright © 2016-2018 Rudolf Cardinal (rudolf@pobox.com).

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SQLAlchemy models and other data storage classes for the serial order task.

class whisker_serial_order.models.ChoiceHoleRestriction(description: str = '', hole_separator: str = ', ', group_separator: str = ';', permissible_combinations: List[List[int]] = None)[source]

Class to describe choice hole restrictions.


permissible_combinations – variable of type Set[Tuple[int]], where the tuples are sorted sequences of hole numbers. If the set is not empty, then only such combinations are allowed.

  • description – textual description like “1,3; 2,4” to restrict to the combinations of “hole 1 versus hole 3” and “hole 2 versus hole 4”.
  • hole_separator – string used to separate holes in a group (usually “,”).
  • group_separator – string used to separate groups (usually “;”).
  • permissible_combinations – list of lists of spatial hole numbers, as an alternative to using description. Use one or the other.

argparse.ArgumentTypeError – if its arguments are invalid.

description() → str[source]

Returns the description that can be used to recreate this object.

permissible(choice_holes: Iterable[int]) → bool[source]

Is the supplied list of choice holes compatible with the restrictions?

Parameters:choice_holes – list of spatial holes.
class whisker_serial_order.models.ChoiceHoleRestrictionType(*args, **kwargs)[source]

SQLAlchemy data type to store ChoiceHoleRestriction in a database. See http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/custom_types.html.

Construct a TypeDecorator.

Arguments sent here are passed to the constructor of the class assigned to the impl class level attribute, assuming the impl is a callable, and the resulting object is assigned to the self.impl instance attribute (thus overriding the class attribute of the same name).

If the class level impl is not a callable (the unusual case), it will be assigned to the same instance attribute ‘as-is’, ignoring those arguments passed to the constructor.

Subclasses can override this to customize the generation of self.impl entirely.

process_bind_param(value: Any, dialect: sqlalchemy.engine.default.DefaultDialect) → Optional[str][source]

Converts a bound Python parameter to the database value.


string (outbound to database)

process_literal_param(value: Any, dialect: sqlalchemy.engine.default.DefaultDialect) → str[source]

Receive a literal parameter value to be rendered inline within a statement.

(An abstract method of TypeDecorator, so we should implement it.)

  • value – a Python value
  • dialect – SQLAlchemy database dialect.

a string to be baked into some SQL

process_result_value(value: Any, dialect: sqlalchemy.engine.default.DefaultDialect) → Optional[whisker_serial_order.models.ChoiceHoleRestriction][source]

Receive a result-row column value to be converted.

  • value – data fetched from the database (will be a string).
  • dialect – SQLAlchemy database dialect.

a ChoiceHoleRestriction object if the string is valid


Returns the Python type object expected to be returned by instances of this type, if known. It’s ChoiceHoleRestriction.

class whisker_serial_order.models.Config(**kwargs)[source]

SQLAlchemy model for the config table.

Must be clonable by deepcopy_sqla_object(), so must accept empty kwargs.

clone(session: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session, read_only: bool = False) → whisker_serial_order.models.Config[source]

Makes a copy of itself and adds it to the specified SQLAlchemy session.

  • session – the SQLAlchemy session into which to insert the copy.
  • read_only – sets the read_only property of the copy.

the copy.

get_modified_at_pretty() → Optional[str][source]

Gets the modified_at time as a human-readable string.

get_n_stages() → int[source]

Returns the number of stages.

has_stages() → bool[source]

Does the config have at least one stage?

class whisker_serial_order.models.ConfigStage(**kwargs)[source]

SQLAlchemy model for the config_stage table.

Must be clonable by deepcopy_sqla_object(), so must accept empty kwargs.


Returns the description of any choice_hole_restriction.


Returns the description of any serial_pos_restriction.

class whisker_serial_order.models.Event(**kwargs)[source]

SQLAlchemy model for the event table.

class whisker_serial_order.models.SequenceTiming(**kwargs)[source]

SQLAlchemy model for the sequence_timing table.

record_hole_lit(timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow) → None[source]

Records that the hole has been illuminated.

record_hole_response(timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow) → None[source]

Records that the hole has been responded to.

record_mag_lit(timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow) → None[source]

Records that the food magazine has been illuminated.

record_mag_response(timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow) → None[source]

Records that the food magazine has been responded to.

class whisker_serial_order.models.SerialPosRestriction(description: str = '', position_separator: str = ', ', group_separator: str = ';', permissible_combinations: List[List[int]] = None)[source]

Class to describe restrictions on the serial order positions offered at the choice phase.


permissible_combinations – variable of type Set[Tuple[int]], where the tuples are sorted sequences of serial order position numbers (1 being the first). If the set is not empty, then only such combinations are allowed.

  • description – textual description like “1,3; 2,3” to restrict to the combinations of “serial position 1 versus 3” and “serial position 2 versus 3”.
  • position_separator – string used to separate positions (usually “,”).
  • group_separator – string used to separate groups (usually “;”).
  • permissible_combinations – list of lists of serial order positions, as an alternative to using description. Use one or the other.

argparse.ArgumentTypeError – if its arguments are invalid.

description() → str[source]

Returns the description that can be used to recreate this object.

permissible(serial_positions: Iterable[int]) → bool[source]

Is the supplied list of serial order position to be tested compatible with the restrictions?

Parameters:serial_positions – the serial order positions to be presented in the choice phase
class whisker_serial_order.models.SerialPosRestrictionType(*args, **kwargs)[source]

SQLAlchemy data type to store SerialPosRestriction in a database. See http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/custom_types.html.

Construct a TypeDecorator.

Arguments sent here are passed to the constructor of the class assigned to the impl class level attribute, assuming the impl is a callable, and the resulting object is assigned to the self.impl instance attribute (thus overriding the class attribute of the same name).

If the class level impl is not a callable (the unusual case), it will be assigned to the same instance attribute ‘as-is’, ignoring those arguments passed to the constructor.

Subclasses can override this to customize the generation of self.impl entirely.

process_bind_param(value: Any, dialect: sqlalchemy.engine.default.DefaultDialect) → Optional[str][source]

Converts a bound Python parameter to the database value.


string (outbound to database)

process_literal_param(value: Any, dialect: sqlalchemy.engine.default.DefaultDialect) → str[source]

Receive a literal parameter value to be rendered inline within a statement.

(An abstract method of TypeDecorator, so we should implement it.)

  • value – a Python value
  • dialect – SQLAlchemy database dialect.

a string to be baked into some SQL

process_result_value(value: Any, dialect: sqlalchemy.engine.default.DefaultDialect) → Optional[whisker_serial_order.models.SerialPosRestriction][source]

Receive a result-row column value to be converted.

  • value – data fetched from the database (will be a string).
  • dialect – SQLAlchemy database dialect.

a SerialPosRestriction object if the string is valid


Returns the Python type object expected to be returned by instances of this type, if known. It’s SerialPosRestriction.

class whisker_serial_order.models.TaskSession(**kwargs)[source]

SQLAlchemy model for the session table (renamed from Session to TaskSession to avoid confusion with SQLAlchemy Session).

class whisker_serial_order.models.Trial(**kwargs)[source]

SQLAlchemy model for the trial table.

get_choice_holes_as_str() → str[source]

Returns a CSV string of the choice holes.

get_sequence_holes_as_str() → str[source]

Returns a CSV string of the sequence holes.

record_choice_offered(timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow) → None[source]

Records the time that the choice was offered.

record_initiation(timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow) → None[source]

Records the time of trial initiation.

record_iti_start(timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow) → None[source]

Records the time that the intertrial interval started.

record_premature(timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow) → None[source]

Records a premature response.

record_reinf_collection(timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow) → None[source]

Records when the subject collected reinforcement.

record_reinforcement(timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow) → None[source]

Records the delivery of reinforcement.

record_response(response_hole: int, timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow) → bool[source]

Records the response during the choice phase. IMPLEMENTS THE KEY TASK RULE: “Which came first?”

  • response_hole – the hole that the subject responded to
  • timestamp – when the response occurred
  • the response correct? (was) –
record_sequence_hole_lit(timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow, holenum: int) → None[source]

Records the time and hole number that a sequence hole was illuminated.

record_sequence_hole_response(timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow) → None[source]

Records a response to a sequence hole.

record_sequence_mag_lit(timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow) → None[source]

Records illumination of the food magazine during the initial sequence.

record_sequence_mag_response(timestamp: arrow.arrow.Arrow) → None[source]

Records a response to the food magazine during the initial sequence.

set_choice(choice_holes: List[int]) → None[source]

Sets the choice holes offered in the second phase of the trial.

Parameters:choice_holes – a list, of length 2, of the hole numbers.
set_sequence(sequence_holes: List[int]) → None[source]

Sets the sequence for the first phase of the trial.

Parameters:sequence_holes – ordered list of hole numbers.
was_reinf_collected() → bool[source]

Was reinforcement collected?

was_reinforced() → bool[source]

Was the trial reinforced?

class whisker_serial_order.models.TrialPlan(sequence: List[int], serial_order_choice: List[int])[source]

Describes the planned sequence of holes to be offered, and then holes to be tested, for a single trial.

  • sequence – sequence of 1-based hole numbers to be offered
  • serial_order_choice – serial positions within the offered sequence to offer as choices (will be SORTED as they are offered simultaneously)
  • hole_choice – hole positions to offer for the choice (will be SORTED as they are offered simultaneously)

What’s independent?

  • sequence and serial_order_choice are independent
  • sequence and correct_is_on_right are not independent (they are mediated by serial_order_choice)
  • serial_order_choice and correct_is_on_right are not independent (they are mediated by sequence)
  • sequence – the sequence of hole numbers to be offered (e.g. [3, 4, 1] to present hole 3, hole 4, and hole 1 in that order).
  • serial_order_choice – the serial order positions to be tested (e.g. [1, 3] for the first and third).

The correct hole number, from the test phase.


(correct_hole, incorrect_hole) for the test phase.


Is the correct hole on the right?


The incorrect hole number, for the test phase.

meets_restrictions(choice_hole_restriction: whisker_serial_order.models.ChoiceHoleRestriction = None, serial_pos_restriction: whisker_serial_order.models.SerialPosRestriction = None) → bool[source]

Does the trial plan meet the specified restrictions?


The length of the sequence presented.

whisker_serial_order.models.serial_order_to_spatial(hole_sequence: List[int], seq_positions: List[int]) → List[int][source]

Converts a first-phase hole sequence and a list of serial order positions (at the choice phase) into a list of spatial holes at test.

  • hole_sequence – ordered list of spatial hole numbers to be presented in the first phase of the task, e.g. [3, 1, 4].
  • seq_positions – list of serial orders, e.g [1, 3] for the first and third in the sequence.

list of spatial hole numbers (e.g. [3, 4] in this example).

whisker_serial_order.models.spatial_to_serial_order(hole_sequence: List[int], holes: List[int]) → List[int][source]

Converts a temporal sequence of spatial holes into a list of serial order positions.

Converts the list of spatial holes in use (hole_sequence) and the temporal sequence of hole indexes (holes) into a sequence of spatial hole numbers.

  • hole_sequence – ordered list of spatial hole numbers to be presented in the first phase of the task, e.g. [3, 1, 4].
  • holes – spatial hole numbers to be enquired about: “what was the temporal order of these holes in the first phase?”; e.g. [4, 3].

[3, 1]).

Return type:

list of serial order positions (in this example